About GLP-1 Medications

GLP-1 drugs mimic the action of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1. When blood sugar levels start to rise after someone eats, these drugs stimulate the the body to produce more insulin. The extra insulin helps lower blood sugar levels and clinical trial evidence shows that people lose more weight taking GLP-1 along side supervised weight loss coaching than with support alone.

GLP-1 medications help curb hunger, slow down movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. As a result you may feel full faster and longer, therefore eating less. Research has found that these drugs have helped with blood pressure, and cholesterol levels lowering the risk of heart disease, strokes and kidney disease.

When you first start taking GLP-1 medications you may notice that you can't finish your meals, this is due to the fact that your appetite has reduced. You can become more mindful of your eating habits and recognise your body's natural signals when it comes to food. This is a powerful weight loss tool for anyone suffering with 'food noise' or emotion eating. People say using when using GLP-1 medications it switches that voice off in their head telling them to eat food. 

How GLP-1 Medications Work

The presence of GLP-1 actually reduces dopamine levels, which lowers brain activity in the response of eating food. The result: a decrease in cravings and what's known as 'food noise' (a.k.a obsessive thoughts about food). However, other reports suggest that GLP-1 medications may not only remove the pleasure you get fro food but from activities as well. Notably, drinking alcohol, smoking, online shopping and nail biting.

The downside to GLP-1 drugs are the side effects which include; nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, injection site reactions and headaches. Some people may never experience any side effects, while others may have mild to moderate symptoms which seem to be dose-dependent and tend to ease with ongoing treatment. However, if side effects become extreme speak to your doctor or  healthcare provider as you may need to switch to another GLP-1 medication, or end your treatment entirely. 

The GLP-1 class of drugs isn't recommended if you under 18 years old, pregnant individuals, type one diabetic, those who have a personal of family history of medullary thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, or multiple endocrine neoplasia. Anyone that has medical conditions should always seek medical advice before starting any GLP-1 medications, diet, or exercise plan. 


If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The health advice is underpinned by peer-review research and information drawn from medical societies and government agencies. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 




